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Quarztechnik Quartz Crystal详细说明书

2023-09-06 10:13:08 

Quarztechnik Quartz Crystal详细说明书,这是一家有着50多年元器件经验的晶振品牌公司Quarztechnik,一直以来,秉持着创新的设计理念,持续不断为行业创造巨大的价值,同时,对于产品品质的极致追求,使得其走向非凡的道路,总能以满足用户的需求为主,针对新兴领域打磨一系列高质量的产品,其中最为主流的石英晶振一直备受市场的欢迎,Quarztechnik利用自身的优势,做到高品质低损耗低功耗的特点。










Frequency CL Tolerance Stability Temp. Range Part number 厂家
8.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC7A8.00000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
10.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC7A10.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
11.0592 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC7A11.0592FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
12.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC7A12.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
14.31818 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC7A14.31818FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
14.7456 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC7A14.7456FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
16.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC7A16.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
19.6608 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC7A19.6608FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
24.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC7A24.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
25.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC7A25.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
27.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC7A27.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
32.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC7A32.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
8.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC6A8.00000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
11.0592 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC6A11.0592FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
12.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC6A12.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
14.7456 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC6A14.7456FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
16.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC6A16.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
20.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC6A20.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
24.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC6A24.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
25.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC6A25.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
27.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC6A27.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
32.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC6A32.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
8.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC5A8.00000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
12.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC5A12.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
12.288 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC5A12.2880FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
15.360 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC5A15.3600FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
16.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC5A16.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
18.432 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC5A18.4320FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
20.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC5A20.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
24.576 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC5A24.5760FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
25.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC5A25.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
27.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC5A27.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
30.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC5A30.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
40.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC5A40.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
48.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC5A48.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
16.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC3216.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
18.432 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC3218.4320FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
20.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC3220.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
24.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC3224.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
25.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC3225.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振
27.0 MHz 18 pF ±10ppm ±20ppm -40 - +85°C QTC3227.0000FDT1I20M Quarztechnik夸克晶振

数据和信息的无线交换已经成为频率元件最重要的应用领域之一。这适用于健身腕带和智能手表等可穿戴设备,它们将数据传输到佩戴者的智能手机,也适用于作为物联网应用的一部分相互通信的智能生产机器。在所有这些情况下,石英晶体Quartz crystal提供精确的无线电频率,并确保发射机和接收机在同一波长上。

当我到达办公室时,我做的第一件事是启动我的电脑。Windows 10向我展示了一幅风景如画的火山景观,上面的时间是:8:20。时间测量再次由石英控制。顺便说一句,微波炉的计时器也是如此,我,这个吝啬鬼,正在加热我从家里带来的炖菜。


有关石英晶体和振荡器如何工作的更多信息,请参阅我们的“询问工程师”系列。我们的技术支持主管解释道音叉晶体如何工作和哪些方法用于生产高精度石英晶体。Quarztechnik Quartz Crystal详细说明书.

When I joined Quarztechnik’s marketing team almost five months ago, I didn’t have the slightest idea about frequency components. I didn’t know what a quartz was, what it looked like or how it differed from an oscillator. Of course, this has now changed, thanks to the patient and detailed explanations of my technical colleagues.

The more I learned about crystals and oscillators over the last few months, the more I became aware that frequency products can actually be found everywhere in our everyday lives! A typical daily routine without frequency generators? Hard to imagine. Let me give you a few examples from my personal everyday life.

The Quartz Guarantees Precise Time Measurement

My day starts with the ringing of my alarm clock. And that’s already the most classic field of application for quartzes: The clockwork. The transition from mechanically operated clockworks to electrically operated quartz watches in the 1970s was thefirst time that quartz-products entered the mass market.

When connected to an external power source, the quartz oscillates at a stable frequency that determines the rhythm of the clockwork. Put simply, the quartz ensures that the watch “knows” how long a second lasts. Since the generated frequency always remains exactly the same, quartz crystals are considered as guarantee for the highest precision in time measurement.

Intelligent Control Electronics

Just half an hour after getting up I sit in the car on my way to work. A short time later the first raindrops fall. The rain sensor strikes and the rain-sensing wipers do their work in a regular rhythm. Depending on the amount of water, slower or faster, just as the quartz used in the control electronics dictates. But it’s not just the rain sensor: The turn indicator blinker, the comfort seat adjustment and the steering column electronics also depend on quartz crystals as frequency generators.

The heavy rain depresses me, I need music. Because radio-pop is horrible, I connect my mobile phone via Bluetooth to the car’s sound system and start my own playlist. For the exchange between mobile phone and car to function smoothly, they have to communicate with each other on exactly the same radio frequency. You probably already suspect that a quartz is taking care of that.

Wireless: The Quartz Ensures the Correct Frequency

The wireless exchange of data and information has become one of the most important application areas for frequency components. This applies to wearables such as fitness wristbands and smartwatches, which transmit their data to the wearer’s smartphone, as well as to intelligent production machines that communicate with each other as part of IoT applications. In all these cases, quartz crystals provide precise radio frequencies and ensure that the transmitter and receiver are literally on the same wavelength.

When I arrive at the office, the first thing I do is start my computer. Windows 10 shows me a picturesque volcanic landscape and above it the time: 8:20. Once again the time measurement is controlled by a quartz. By the way, the same holds true for the timer of the microwave, in which I, the scrimper, warm up my Ratatouille that I brought from home.

You see: Despite their low profile, there is hardly a way around quartz crystals and oscillators in everyday life. Only a few millimeters in size, they are an indispensable part of numerous electronic applications – from radio alarm clocks to computers.

For more information on how quartz crystals and oscillators work, please see our “Ask the Engineer” series. Here our Head of Technical Support, explainshow tuning fork crystals workandwhich methods are used in the production of high-precision quartz crystals.


