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浏览:- 发布日期:2024-02-17 23:10:45【
Rakon launches Small Form Factor IC-OCXO with 8hr holdover for cloud data centres and next-generation telecom networks
Rakon has launched its first IC-OCXO products combining its in-house designed Mercury™ semiconductor chip and XMEMS® resonators under the brand MercuryX™. MercuryX OCXOs provide ultra-high stability and an extended holdover of 8 hours. in real-world conditions, all in a small form factor package size. The new OCXOs are an excellent fit for timing and synchronisation in AI computing / data centres and 5G, 5G Advanced and 6G telecommunications networks as well as satellite terminals and instrumentation. 
Reza Sedehi, Head of Product Management at Rakon says: “The MercuryX products showcase the performance gains that are possible with next-generation quartz technology such as XMEMS. The initial 1000+ samples of MercuryX have generated high interest and positive feedback from tier-1 customers. The new products build on Rakon’s successful track record of consistently delivering high-quality ASIC based OCXOs (IC-OCXOs) in large volumes for over a decade.” 
MercuryX follows the launch of Niku™, Rakon’s latest in-house designed ASIC semiconductor chip for Ultra Stable TCXOs, as the next entry in the company’s AI computing product portfolio. 
The new MercuryX OCXOs offer a three-fold performance improvement on the current IC-OCXO range in terms of stability (±1.5 ppb), frequency slope (0.05 ppb/°C) and ageing (0.2 ppb/day). Even more importantly, MercuryX satisfies the much sought-after holdover requirements (8 hrs) for data centres and advanced telecom networks. 
The development of its own in-house resonator and chip technology allows Rakon to control its product roadmap, creating market-leading products like MercuryX that are independently manufactured in its factories in New Zealand and India, providing customers with high security of supply. 
The first product in the range is the ROM1490X in a 14 x 9 mm package, to be followed by a 7 x 5 mm product in mid 2024. Rakon is already working on the next iteration of the Mercury chip, with a new ASIC to be released in 2025 for further performance gains. 
Key performance parameters of the ROM1490X: 
Package: 14.2 x 9.2 x 6.5 mm, 6-pad, SMD
Frequency (Fn): 10 to 50 MHz
Operating temperature: - 40 to 95°C 
Frequency stability (FvT): ±1.5 ppb
Holdover: 8 hrs
Frequency slope (ΔF/ΔT): 0.05 ppb/°C 
Ageing: 0.2 ppb/day   
G-sensitivity: 0.9 ppb/g 
Custom MercuryX products with further optimised long-term stability through advanced I²C bus digital control, GNSS 1PPS input and/or machine learning are available on request. 


Rakon推出了首款集成电路OCXO产品,结合了其内部设计的Mercury半导体芯片和XMEMS®MercuryX品牌的谐振器。MercuryX OCXOs提供了超高的稳定性和8小时的延长保持时间。在现实条件下,所有产品均采用小尺寸封装。新型OCXO晶振非常适合人工智能计算/数据中心、5G、5G Advanced和6G电信网络以及卫星终端和仪器仪表的计时和同步。
Rakon产品管理主管Reza Sedehi表示:“MercuryX产品展示了下一代石英技术(如XMEMS)可能带来的性能提升。首批1000多个MercuryX样品引起了一级客户的高度兴趣和积极反馈。新产品建立在十多年来持续大批量提供高质量基于ASIC的ocxo(IC-ocxo)的成功记录基础上。”
新的MercuryX OCXO石英晶体振荡器在稳定性(1.5 ppb)、频率斜率(0.05ppb/°C)和老化(0.2ppb/天)方面比当前的IC-OCXO系列性能提高了三倍。更重要的是,MercuryX满足了数据中心和先进电信网络备受追捧的延期要求(8小时)。



工作温度:- 40℃至95℃
频率稳定性(FvT):1.5 ppb
频率斜率(δF/δT):0.05 ppb/℃
老化:0.2 ppb/天
重力敏感度:0.9 ppb/g

定制的MercuryX产品通过先进的I C总线数字控制、GNSS 1PPS输入和/或机器学习进一步优化了长期稳定性。
